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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time of my life

Month of May is up and coming, Many things I have not done and need to be done immediately.

Well I'm already turn 21 year of age and still not thinking for myself. Life at the moment is sweet and easy going for me.

When will I awaken from this... I wonder. Another 2 more month till I finish studies in Hotel and Tourism Management. After that life will change for the better or worse who knows. Unless you can predict my future. ^^

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day Visit - KL

A friend of mine from Penang came down with her other two classmate to KL for two days.

Their purpose of visiting is to find book and other information regarding their assignment and
for dissertation. They came down on the 19th to 21st But i could only visit them on the 20th
which is Friday.

I started my journey from College as Dad drop me there at 9.30am. I took a taxi to Kelana

Jaya Station and took the train to Majid Jamil station which I need to change train.

From there, I took another train to Sultan Ismail station. Walk through and found the hotel they

stay in, Grand Continental Hotel. When and find her and we leave for KL library. As show below V

As a visitor, we were only able to visit for only two hours. So we spend our time looking and

finding for book they need while I took some books to read as well. Is my first visit to an outside

library. It was cold. I founded a book about personality differences and for love once.


Time is up for Us and My friends found some information they need. So they photocopy those

notes which charge them 20sen per page. On the way out, we were being lecture from a security

guide for not following the Sign "KELUAR". As we walk out the door, my friend complain why
the old man so fussy about as we are first timer.

So we walk through Dataran Mederka... We were planning where
to have LUNCH. As we were walking. I took out my camera and

randomly took of building and my friends.

My Friend - May Lynn and Her Friend - Xin Ying

While we were planning to go back to their Hotel for lunch, we saw Burger King Opposite the

station. Without any thinking, we decided to have LUNCH there. Was hungry and no turning

back. ^^.... Time pass by... We each their hotel at 3.30pm. I stay for awhile and chatted with

them. Soon after them decided to have a Nap, I start my journey back home at 4pm.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine Day

It's Valentine Day, LOVE BIRDs coming out from their homes....Wondering around for romance and Love all day long.

Time of Joy to remember those Happy moment together throughout the years they have spend together. Time for forgiveness amount each other and grateful for what they have now.

The family members who support and carefor you, Your love once who love and care for you and Friends who also there for you and not to forget God who always protect you.

Find this special moment of your life to have gratitude on the things you have NOW and be bless you are who you are now.

Happy Valentine Day. God bless and have a wonderfull Valentine day...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Picture of 2008

Finally touch my blog for the first time this year 2009

Updating my last year event happening in 2008

it was quiet happening for me...Let me think back...

6th of August 2008- SSHT Annual dinner

Chinese Fan Dance & Dinner

16th of August 2008- Baby Ethan Birthday

Birthday Cake with Baby Ethan

16th of August 2008- Leo School program

KLU President LEO Sheng Wei

Lunch time with Other LEO member

23rd of August 2008- LEO Installation

With Lion of KL NOrth President and KLU adviser